To the Ends of the Earth
- Year Released: 1948
- Studio: Kennedy-Buckman Pictures
- # of Reviews: None
- Avg. Rating: --
Where to watch To the Ends of the Earth
- Director: Robert Stevenson
- Camera: Burnett Guffey
- Music By: George Duning
- Produced By: Sidney Buchman
- Written By:
Jay Richard Kennedy
- Dick Powell as Commissioner Michael Barrows
- Edgar Barrier as Grieg
- Fritz Leiber as Binda Sha
- John Hoyt as Bennett
- Ludwig Donath as Nicholas Sokim
- Luis Van Rooten as Alberto Berado
- Maylia as Shu Pan Wu
- Signe Hasso as Ann Grant
- Vladimir Sokoloff as Commissioner Lum Chi Chow
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