The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Original poster art. Copyright held by studio.
  • Year Released: 1941
  • Studio: Warner Bros. (distributor)
  • Based On "The Maltese Falcon" by Dashiell Hammett
  • # of Reviews: 3
  • Avg. Rating: 5.0 of 5 stars

Where to watch The Maltese Falcon
  • Watch at Amazon     (Paid Rental)




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User Reviews

  Jul 11, 2024 by scottyrain

Bogart’s perfectly-played Sam Spade is the original tough-talking p.i. and an exemplar of the flawed protagonist that became one of the hallmarks of noir. John Huston’s directorial debut is one of the very best this side of Citizen Kane; his script, with its twists and turns based on the Dashiell Hammett novel, would serve as the model for so many other film noirs, but few can match the tightness here. Standout performances by Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, and Elisha Cook Jr. shade the cast of compelling characters with multiple dimensions. But it’s the metaphor of the falcon itself, evident in the plot throughout but driven home sublimely in Bogart's self-suggested last line, that puts this film over the top and makes it my favorite, among several worthy contenders, of all film noir.

  Aug 25, 2020 by noirdb_admin

Released in '41 and based on the classic Hammett novel, it has been said -- and rightly so! -- that this movie started it all for the Film Noir genre! The story and pacing are engaging throughout, setting the standard for all that followed. Director John Huston was a true master and innovator, so be sure to check out The Asphalt Jungle as well.

  Aug 01, 2020 by lx

Classic Bogie. Bonus: the ineffable, effeminate Joel Cairo!