Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
- Year Released: 1957
- Studio: Universal Pictures
- # of Reviews: None
- Avg. Rating: --
Where to watch Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
- Director: Arnold Laven
- Camera: Fred Jackman
- Music By: Herschel Burke Gilbert
- Produced By: Albert Zugsmith
- Written By:
Lawrence Roman
- Dan Duryea as John Jacob Masters
- Amzie Strickland as Mrs. Cavanagh
- Charles McGraw as Lt. Anthony Vosnick
- Harry Bellaver as Benjy Karp
- Jan Sterling as Madge Pitts
- Joe Downing as Eddie 'Cockeye' Cook
- Julie Adams as Daisy Pauly
- Mickey Hargitay as Big John
- Mickey Shaughnessy as Solly Pitts
- Ned Wever as Captain Sid Wallace
- Nick Dennis as Midget Dock Worker
- Richard Egan as William Keating
- Sam Levene as Howard Rysdale
- Walter Matthau as Al Dahlke
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