Angel Face
- Year Released: 1953
- Studio: Howard Hughes Presents
- # of Reviews: None
- Avg. Rating: --
Where to watch Angel Face
- Director: Otto Preminger
- Camera: Harry Stradling
- Music By: Dimitri Tiomkin
- Produced By: Otto Preminger
- Written By:
Frank Nugent
Oscar Millard
- Jean Simmons as Diane Tremayne
- Robert Mitchum as Frank Jessup
- Barbara O'Neil as Catherine Tremayne
- Griff Barnett as Judge
- Herbert Marshall as Charles Tremayne
- Jim Backus as DA Judson
- Kenneth Tobey as Bill
- Leon Ames as Fred Barrett
- Mona Freeman as Mary Wilton
- Morgan Farley as Juror
- Raymond Greenleaf as Arthur Vance
- Robert Gist as Miller
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