711 Ocean Drive
- Year Released: 1950
- Studio: Frank Seltzer Productions
- # of Reviews: None
- Avg. Rating: --
Where to watch 711 Ocean Drive
- Director: Joseph M. Newman
- Camera: Franz Planer
- Music By: Sol Kaplan
- Produced By: Frank N. Seltzer
- Written By:
Francis Swann
Richard English
- Edmond O'Brien as Mal Granger
- Barry Kelley as Vince Walters
- Don Porter as Larry Mason
- Dorothy Patrick as Trudy Maxwell
- Howard St. John as Lieutenant Pete Wright
- Joanne Dru as Gail Mason
- Otto Kruger as Carl Stephans
- Robert Osterloh as Gizzi
- Sammy White as Chippie Evans
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